Tag Archives: New Years Eve Party At Ribeira

Kansas Smitty NYE gig at Ribeira is Cancelled.

29 Dec

Having something beyond your control fail at the last minute is certainly the worst part of being a promoter and unfortunately due to an issue with the late licence at Ribeira this is exactly what has occurred.

TSSP - PRESS RELEASE 10Therefore we are absolutely devastated to announce that because of this, The Secret Showcase Presents NYE Party with The Kansas Smitty House Band will not be happening. We will however, be hosting a Kansas Smitty Gig in the new year, tho we can’t apologise enough to anyone who had made plans to come to our NYE party. If you have purchased a ticket you will have received an email explaining that you will receive a refund.

Ribeira will still be open till 12.30 with free entry but there will be no live music provided by TSSP. People can have a 3 course dinner with a glass of bubbly for £35 if they wish. If interested they can book tables directly through Ribeira (0203 119 0037)

DJ Samantha Pink Panther will still be playing some 50s Rhythm & Blues early which will be followed by The Fossey Shuffle band who will be playing a live set of Motown, soul and jazz covers as Ribeira say goodbye to 2013 to welcome in 2014!

We are so crushed to learn of this disaster at such short notice after we have worked so hard to plan something we were really looking forward to, tho we are confident we will soon have an alternative date confirmed for a Kansas Smitty party and also glad that Ribeira is able to offer something for NYE. With this in mind we would like to thank you all for your continued support and wish you a very happy New Year, Whatever you decide to do.

Please accept our most sincere apologies again. We are absolute gutted! Please do not hesitate to contacts us with any queries you might have at thesecretshowcasepresents@gmail.com

Merry Christmas One And All.

22 Dec

Here is a TSSP Christmas playlist to help you enjoy this festive season even more. We’ll see you New Years eve for our very special party with The Kansas Smitty’s House Band at Ribeira. If you haven’t already booked your tickets hurry and get them here before they sell out.

Merry Christmas folks. Love at Yuletide TSSP!